LED Storm Go!, 1988 The road race game of the year puts you in control of high powered futeristic vehicle through 9 fast, furious and hazardous stages designed to stop you dead in your tracks.
LED Storm Go!, 1988 The road race game of the year puts you in control of high powered futeristic vehicle through 9 fast, furious and hazardous stages designed to stop you dead in your tracks.
Impossamole Gremlin Graphics Software, 1990 Monty lay back on his sun lounger and contemplated his situation. His previous adventures had financed these last few years of utter bliss. He had everything that a mole could want. His own island in the sun, more money than a mole could ever spend - paradise! Listening to the […]
Krakout Gremlin Graphics Software, 1987 Welcome to the ultimate challenge! A two way test of skill and nerve - can you out manoeuvre the awesome ogre and blast a path through the myriad of colourful bricks? Are your reflexes adept enough to retrieve the speeding missile, deflected from its block shattering journey or regurgitated contemptuously […]
Redhawk Melbourne House, 1986 Welcome to the world of comic fantasy, superheroes and supervillains. You are superhuman Redhawk and must control his two completely separate identities: Kevin Oliver - a human with all the human weaknesses; and Redhawk - a being capable of flight and incredible feats of strength. You can choose to fight crime, […]
Lords of Chaos In the days when the Arch Mages ruled the Old World there were no wars, plagues, floods or natural disasters of any kind. This society, peaceful as it may seem, suffered from the gradual build up of unreleased magical energy. Mana, which is the name for raw magical energy, could no longer […]
The Hulk Adventure International, 1984 Welcome to The Incredible Hulk, the first instalment in the dynamic QUESTPROBE Series! Marvel Comics and Scott Adams have teamed-up to bring you a fantastic series of computer Adventure games that allow you to become your favorite Marvel Super Hero. In this, the opening instalment, you will become the Incredible […]