US Gold, 1987
Many eons ago, an advanced technologically-orientated civilisation was forced to evacuate Earth prior to the Ice Age. Now, these Xevious people are returning to reclaim their heritage through conquest. From the controls of your Solvalou super spacecraft, you must defend Earth from takeover by the Xevious invaders! Flying a search and destroy mission, you will cruise over the scrolling landscape, bombing Xevious ground entrenchments and zapping the air targets that come into range. Easy. But now look out for the flying mirrors - impossible to destroy; a collision will spell certain death! In the event of your surviving wave after wave of enemy onslaughts you will encounter the controlling force of the Xevious offensive; the Andor Genesis Mother Ship! This is your goal. A direct hit to her central reactor will disable her, but do not be lulled into a false sense of security. Xevious forces will soon re-appear to renew their attacks with increased determination!