

Hewson Consultants, 1988

In aeons past a cruel and despotic civilisation stole the Jewels of Ozymandias and buried them deep beneath the multiple defences on the planet Mergatron where they have remained pulsating strangely to the present day.

Now with the crude civilisation long decayed and cracked the creaking auto-defences of Mergatron swept low with the sands of time wind thunderously into action at any hint of intrusion. And you, Captain C. T. Cobra with your lone Marauder Battlecar are determined to retrieve the Jewels from eternity's remorseless grip.

Airborne drones scream low overhead, their bouncing bombs pitching and blasting. The desert sand kicks in your face as your Marauder skids squat and ugly, its massive laser cannon crash-firing the defences to oblivion. Spinning eyepods close you down and electro-hoverers spit fire as seeker missiles shudder over the horizon. Wheels spin and screech as your Battlecar heaves to confront the pursuers.

With energy levels dropping you scan desperately beyond the aliens. You spot a distant weapon beacon. Can you battle to the beacon to recharge your besieged craft?


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