Night Breed

Night Breed

Ocean Software, 1990

You are Boone, one of the Nightbreed.

You begin your journey at the gates of the Necropolis, a graveyard above an underground labyrinth where the Nightbreed live called Midian. Your task is to save the Nightbreed, a race older than man, of fantastic beings, shape-changers who are being attacked by man's jealousy in the form of the "Sons of the Free", an evil organization which come to destroy them - and you if they can.


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July 19, 2021

Pyjamarama Mikro-Gen, 1984 Welcome to the nightmare world of Wally Week. Even Wallys have to sleep - the trouble is, being a Wally nightmares are more troublesome than you would think. Sweet dreams, Wally? NO CHANCE. Being a Wally, nightmares are more common than pleasant dreams, and the one you are entered is the worst […]

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January 4, 2020

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July 26, 2021

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May 14, 2021

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April 18, 2021
Room Ten

Room Ten CRL Group, 1986 Room Ten is the old Atari game PONG played in 3D... the objective is simply to beat your opponent by making the ball hit the wall behind him, without letting him hit the wall behind you.

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