Desperado (Gunsmoke) Topo Soft, 1987 Rootin' tootin' constant lootin' always shootin' showdown.
Desperado (Gunsmoke) Topo Soft, 1987 Rootin' tootin' constant lootin' always shootin' showdown.
ID Nu Wave Software, 1986 Each time that you load ID's memories, different facets of its previous personalities will enter your computer, and then ID will learn all about you, as you try to bring back its past. By typing SAVE and following the on-screen instructions you can save the shattered parts of ID's memories […]
Bobby Bearing The Edge, 1986 Bobby's family live in Technofear, a land of the future made of steel, and inhabitated by things of steel. Bobby and his brothers had been warned on many, many occasions not to venture into the Metaplanes outside their home, and to give them credit they'd been pretty good about it. […]
Starglider 2 The goal of Starglider 2 is to destroy an enemy space station with a neutron bomb, and the majority of the gameplay consists of collecting parts for the bomb, or fulfilling other prerequisites (e.g. finding the nuclear professor capable of constructing the bomb, or trade goods for the bombs necessary to destroy the […]
Lord of the Rings Melbourne House, 1986 In the Lord of the Rings adventure game, you will be able to play the role of one of the four Hobbits: FRODO, SAM, MERRY and PIPPIN. FRODO bears a magic ring of power, a ring which, in the hands of the DARK LORD, could cause the destruction […]
V - The Game Ocean Software, 1986 A race of evil reptilian aliens, the Visitors, are attempting to take over the world (as usual). The humans are fighting back though, and Michael Donovan, leader of the resistance, is attempting to sabotage the alien mothership by planting bombs in key locations inside it.