Deflektor A puzzle game based on mirrors reflecting a laser beam. More fun than it sounds. Publisher: Vortex Software Year: 1987
Virgin Games, 1989
Nuclear arms were outlawed by a series of international treaties after the fourth great war, and now civilisation has returned to low-explosive weapon systems whith high delivery rates. War has almost gone 'green'.
Weight of numbers, together with very high firing rates, goes partway towards making up the shortfall in power occasioned by the ban on nuclear weapons. But even though the generals have been provided with an incredible number of tanks, planes, choppers, mines and field guns to play with, they are not at all pleased. They are in fact, well unhappy. The commanders of the One Continent Alliance have joined forces to show the political leaders that they have power - all the land, sea and subterranean forces of the Alliance have rebelled and a military coup looks inevitable.
Our planet is only just clinging to its path through the solar system, having been set wobbling like a top by the energy released in the last of the nuclear wars. Should the generals succeed in seizing power they will return to the nuclear technology of war, and Earth will almost certainly be sent spinning off its orbit into the wastes of space, as yet another nukewar begins.
One small hope for the future of Earth remains. A group of weapons-scientists working on advanced helicopter and land-vehicle protects remains loyal to the people, rather than the military. If drivers and pilots can be found for the prototype vehicles in loyal hands, an attempt to fight through the waves of advancing troops could be staged. There's a very very small probability that a skilled pilot or driver could take out all the generals. Those odds would be improved if a driver AND a pilot could be found.
Earth's chances of survival hang on a thread, a thread so gossamer fine that it could be made of silk. Realising this, the weapons scientists codenamed civilisation's last stand Operation Silkworm. Step forward hero, read the briefing and take the controls...
Deflektor A puzzle game based on mirrors reflecting a laser beam. More fun than it sounds. Publisher: Vortex Software Year: 1987
Starfox Reaktor, 1987 Peace has ruled the Hyturian System ever since the Rubicon, a protective cube, was built surrounding the system. To leave the cube projects you forward in time and your flight path is reversed. It appears that the Rubicon has been breached and a ninth planet has entered the system. This mysterious planet […]
Tomahawk Digital Integration, 1985 TOMAHAWK is a real-time flight simulation based upon the U.S. Army AH-64A APACHE Advanced Attack Helicopter - the meanest, deadliest combat helicopter ever to rule the skies! Its specialised job is to hunt tanks and destroy anything that gets in its way. The Apache was built specifically to fight and survive, […]
Olli and Lissa Firebird Software, 1986 Amongst the barren heights and rugged rocks of the Scottish Highlands, there is situated Shilmore Castle. The Castle is under threat of being purchased and shipped stone by stone to America by Eugene Portcullis the third (Jnr) a mega-millionaire. Alarmed by this, Olli and Lissa rush to help their […]
Xevious US Gold, 1987 Many eons ago, an advanced technologically-orientated civilisation was forced to evacuate Earth prior to the Ice Age. Now, these Xevious people are returning to reclaim their heritage through conquest. From the controls of your Solvalou super spacecraft, you must defend Earth from takeover by the Xevious invaders! Flying a search and […]
Fernando Martin Basket Master Basket Master… the latest sports blockbuster! An all-action bonanza as you face either the computer or take on your friends in a frantic head-to-head tussle with one of the fastest sports around. Stay on your toes as you dribble the ball down the court, your opponent hot on your heels, then […]