Cybernoid II: The Revenge

Cybernoid II: The Revenge

Hewson Consultants, 1988

The pirates have returned in a new Battlestar, even more fearsome than the last and have gain plundered the Federation storage depots.

As you did such a good job last time you've been commisioned once again to retrieve the stolen cargo. You've been given an all new ship and a bigger arsenal of weaponary but the task will be just as perilous.


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December 16, 2021

Knightmare Activision, 1987 I place you somewhere in time, in a land where strangers are not welcome. Survival is your aim, knowledge is your target. Search the dungeons and rooms of Damonia Castle for the objects which may help free you from the clutches of the dark castle and its fantastical inhabitants. Your advisers are […]

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January 23, 2022
Garfield - Winter's Tail

Garfield - Winter's Tail The Edge, 1990 It's been a hard day for Garfield; he spent the entire day, well since waking anyway (which come to think of it wasn't that long ago...) in the kitchen. The ice-box is now almost bare after some pretty hard work on his part helping Jon to reduce his […]

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August 13, 2021
Sly Spy: Secret Agent

Sly Spy: Secret Agent Ocean Software, 1990 Your aim is to progress through 9 levels of play to defeat C.W.D. - The Council for World Domination.

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January 30, 2022
Slaine the King

Slaine the King Martech Games, 1987 It was nearly dawn. Slaine and I were heading along the path into Tautega. "Ukko," said Slaine, "tell me the story you heard from the Druid, Cathbad." Said I, "I’ve told you twice already, you thick skulled barbarian", but a sharp prod to my rump persuaded me to retell […]

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September 11, 2021
La Abadia del Crimen

La Abadia del Crimen Opera Soft, 1988 "Do not follow false doctrines that spread pestilent seeds", wrote His Holiness Clement VI in the year 1346, to teachers and pupils of the university of Paris. The Pontiff was referring in that letter to the doctrines of a Franciscan monk of English origin called Guillermo of Occam, […]

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May 2, 2020
Sabre Wulf

Sabre Wulf Wide eyed, I stare, as the dense surroundings reveal their hidden secrets… Strange food orchids suddenly bloom, their staining toxins, strong on the air, then, in an instant, are gone. Hunters, killers, vampire bats and huge beasts spring forth from the very ground, swimming, slithering, diving and crawling… I must hide… Stay safe… […]

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