

US Gold, 1987

Many eons ago, an advanced technologically-orientated civilisation was forced to evacuate Earth prior to the Ice Age. Now, these Xevious people are returning to reclaim their heritage through conquest. From the controls of your Solvalou super spacecraft, you must defend Earth from takeover by the Xevious invaders! Flying a search and destroy mission, you will cruise over the scrolling landscape, bombing Xevious ground entrenchments and zapping the air targets that come into range. Easy. But now look out for the flying mirrors - impossible to destroy; a collision will spell certain death! In the event of your surviving wave after wave of enemy onslaughts you will encounter the controlling force of the Xevious offensive; the Andor Genesis Mother Ship! This is your goal. A direct hit to her central reactor will disable her, but do not be lulled into a false sense of security. Xevious forces will soon re-appear to renew their attacks with increased determination!


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April 18, 2021

Psytron Beyond Software, 1984 The Psytron is in sole charge of the Betula 5 Installation. Its defence circuits are on the alert for intruders, its pursuit droid tracks down enemy saboteurs which infiltrate the base. It assesses the personnel's oxygen needs, it allocates food and work duties. Every aspect of the installation and the colony […]

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April 29, 2020

Elite Command your Cobra space ship in a fantastic voyage of discovery and adventure, a supreme test of your combat, navigational and entrepreneurial skills. Trade between countless planets, using the proceeds to equip your ship with heat-seeking missiles, beam lasers and other weapons – corporate states can be approached without risk, but unruly anarchies may […]

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January 8, 2022
Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's Castle

Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's Castle Software Projects, 1987 Just a short time ago Dirk the Daring rescued the beautiful princess Daphne and returned her to King Aeithelred her father. The Kingdom rejoiced at the return of their princess and the peace the has been secured for the kingdom. Dirk being made of sterner […]

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January 30, 2022
Slaine the King

Slaine the King Martech Games, 1987 It was nearly dawn. Slaine and I were heading along the path into Tautega. "Ukko," said Slaine, "tell me the story you heard from the Druid, Cathbad." Said I, "I’ve told you twice already, you thick skulled barbarian", but a sharp prod to my rump persuaded me to retell […]

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August 5, 2021
Dynamite Dan II

Dynamite Dan II Mirrorsoft, 1986 The youth of the world is being helplessly mesmerised - their brains sucked dry - by apparently innocuous pop records. Someone has been corrupting the vinyl with subliminal, mind-destroying sound waves. There's only one person who could be responsible for such an outrage - that's right, Blitzen is back, poised […]

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November 7, 2021

W.A.R. Martech Games, 1986 Imagine a Mechanical World. An enormous chain of cylinders, each rotating to produce the required centripedal force which acts like gravity against the inside. Viewed from a distance, the world appears like a giant caterpillar moving through space. From a little closer the fine detail on the inner surface of each […]

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