Arc of Yesod

Arc of Yesod

After his adventures in NODES OF YESOD, Charlemagne Fotheringham-Grunes is once again called upon to save mankind. At the end of NODES, the alien Monolith teleported off the Moon back to its homeworld of Ariat. Charlie has followed it there and must destroy it before the hostile Arians download the sensitive information on Earth which it has collected.

Charlie must traverse the caverns below Ariat to reach the Security Centre where the Monolith is being examined. Arriving on the surface, he must find a convenient manhole down which to enter the caverns. A teleport system exists within the labyrinth, and Charlie can zap between locations by stepping into one of the various transporters.

Apart from the usual static obstacles, there are also a wide variety of strange alien creatures to hinder you. Contact isn’t immediately fatal but it does drain your life energy which, if drained completely, will lead to the loss of one of your four lives. In the meantime, Charlie must search for eight crystals before he can have a go at the Monolith.

Charlie has a useful ally in the form of a Sphere, or Electronic Mole, which is released from his backpack and can be controlled by you (although Charlie has to remain immobile while you do this). The Sphere can get rid of the aliens by ramming them. It can also open concealed secret passages by bumping into the masonry covering them. Charlie himself is armed with a limited supply of Smart Bombs which wipe out all the aliens on screen when detonated.

Publisher: Thor Computer Software

Year: 1985


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