Dynamite Dan

Dynamite Dan

Mirrorsoft, 1985

Arriving in an airship, Dan must find 8 sticks of dynamite, blow a safe and steal plans for a secret weapon.


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December 9, 2021
Human Killing Machine

Human Killing Machine U.S. Gold, 1989 He's the meanest son of a snake you've ever seen! He's the Human Killing Machine!

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September 27, 2021

Zub Mastertronic Added Dimension, 1986 There are ten planets in the Zub system, each of which is connected to some others by a system of teleports. You start on planet 1 and must get to planet 10 and back. There are platforms on each screen; when you stand on one you can move it by […]

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December 26, 2019

Avenger Yaemon Grand Master of Flame has assassinated your foster father Naijshi and stolen the Scrolls of Ketsuin. You have sworn to the God Kwon that you will avenge Yaemon’s murderous act and recover the sacred scrolls. Your enemies are many, varied and all are deadly. All your skills, courage and nerve will be called […]

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October 13, 2021
Space Crusade

Space Crusade Gremlin Graphics Software, 1992 More than 25 millennia ago mankind took the first tentative steps to the stars. With the discovery of the Warp drive came the Great Expansion. What was once a journey of several centuries became a journey of several days. Warp space is the parallel universe through which starships may […]

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April 24, 2020
Knight Lore

Knight Lore My journey's end is near; as the last few ebbs of daylight dance fleetingly in the cooling twilight, and then suddenly dart off to chase the red sinking sun. Behind me I feel night's dark icy fingers slither up long looming shadows, hiding behind large mounds and boulders, watching my every move… silently […]

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January 8, 2022

Think! Ariolasoft, 1985 THINK! is one of those games that is easy to learn, but fiendishly difficult to master. It can be played by all ages and at all levels with equal frustration and enjoyment. Like all things in life, the end result is quite simple; it's getting there that causes the sleepless nights. All […]

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