Everyone's a Wally

Everyone's a Wally

Mikro-Gen, 1985

The goal of the game is to find the combination for the safe and then pay the gangs wages. The combination is split and can be found in different locations. Not only must the combination be identified, but also the right items to collect the combination must be used. The locations are many and varied and contain zany arcade sequences which must be completed to finish the adventure.

Each character has specific abilities, and it is up to the player to select which one will perform a particular task. The game starts with the whole gang in the Town Square by the Fountain. You have control of Wally, so the rest of the gang go off about their own business. As Wally cannot do everything himself, you will have to select one of the other characters, (except for Herbert, he is totally uncontrollable) to perform the various tasks.

Each character has a part to play. Wally is a builder and odd job man by trade, so you should use him for mixing cement, etc. Wilma is Wally's wife, and so might do the shopping. Herbert, Wally and Wilma's pride and joy, doesn't do anything except get in the way. Tom, the punk, is a mechanic, Dick is the plumber and Harry is the electrician.


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