The Year: is 2494. For seventy Year:s, the Earth has been under siege by the Sept, a hive-culture race from the Galactic centre. Since the siege began, the Sept have been kept at bay by a huge sphere of force, which surrounds both the Earth and the Moon.
Following the loss of Calcutta, it is obvious that the Sept will shortly have the capability to breach the sphere unless the force field can be strengthened according to the instructions contained in the original plans.
Unfortunately, these plans are thought to be hidden somewhere amongst the City Computers of Marsport, beneath the great Elysium Dome on Mars. Evacuated shortly before the start of the Siege, it is now occupied by Sept of the Warrior and the Warlord castes as a command post. It is also known that the main control computer of Marsport, M-Central, has spent the last seventy Year:s incorporating its own deterrents into the city architecture, making the recovery of the sphere plans highly improbable.
However, to this end, Commander John Marsh, of the underground Terran liberation organisation, HASP, now stands in Marsport, on Level C, at the exit of the access tube to the Space Field, in the belief that a determined man can sometimes achieve more than an army.
Publisher: Gargoyle Games
Year: 1985