Mugsy’s Revenge

Mugsy’s Revenge

It’s 1919 and Mugsy is finally out of the slammer.

But since he went away, there’s been a big change – booze has become illegal!!

Mugsy’s had plenty of time to consider ways of making a lot of money, and what better than to supply illicit booze to the thirsty throngs?

Some of Mugsy’s faithful cronies have stuck by him and together they must re-build their shattered empire.

Their ultimate aim is to use booze smuggling to finance Mugsy’s way back to the top, and there promises to be lots of action, danger and strategy on the way!

  • The booze must be found and smuggled, bought or manufactured.
  • Money must be allocated for the boys to ensure their operations are safe from rival gangs.
  • The appropriate authorities must be placated.
  • The right decisions need to be taken with regard to expansion.
  • The right hoods must be placed in charge of each project.
  • Finances must always be ready for emergency ‘contracts’ and so on.

Plenty of other opportunities will come once the money starts rolling – such as setting up speakeasies and illegal gambling houses.

Good luck Mugsy – you’re gonna need it!

Publisher: Melbourne House
Year: 1986


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