

Hewson Consultants, 1986

Pyracurse features the adventures of a team of three people and a dog called Frozbie who explore an ancient Sinu city based in the forests of South America in search of the missing archaeologist Sir Pericles Pemberton-Smythe. There are a host of fearful creatures for them to meet and match but with your help they can overcome all...


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May 1, 2020
Stormlord II: Deliverance

Stormlord II: Deliverance The game begins after the warrior Stormlord’s won over the demonic invasion in the first game. The evil Black Queen is gone, but her surviving followers combine their powers and capture all the fairies again. Now Stormlord has to rescue the fairies for the second time, fighting his way through six levels […]

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June 5, 2021
Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction Durell Software, 1987 The Anti-Nuclear Party have reprogrammed power station robo-equipment to empty the containment vault and attack all human staff. They have scattered eighteen cannisters of highly dangerous radioactive fuel-rods throughout the seven-storey building. You have 30 minutes, an armour-piercing machine-gun and a personal jet-pack. You have the latest anti-radiation suit. The […]

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April 29, 2020

Deathchase It is 2501, 100 Years after the Great War. The North American continent is ruled by mighty warlords in constant conflict over forest territory. You are one of the elite mercenaries, Riders of the Big Bikes. It’s a quick way to get rich – and a quicker way to die. You patrol your forest […]

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July 12, 2021

Battlezone Quicksilva, 1984 The player controls a tank which is attacked by other tanks and missiles. Gameplay is on a flat plane with a mountainous horizon and various geometric solids like pyramids and blocks. The player can hide behind the solids or once fired upon, maneuver rapidly to buy time in which he can fire. […]

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December 26, 2019

Hijack The game sets up in charge of a Pentagon department, the Hijack Division, dedicated to stamping out terrorism by peaceful means. HIJACK is played using live action and complex windowing techniques as you fight a desperate struggle against bureaucracy to end hijacking before all hell is let loose. Publisher: Electric Dreams Software Year: 1986

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May 14, 2021

Trashman New Generation Software, 1984 The object of the game is to empty all the bins from each road into the dustcart which is slowly moving up the road, before your bonus points reduce to zero. If you step on the grass the bonus score will reduce rapidly, but you can increase it by completing […]

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