

The Streets aren’t safe! Night falls swiftly as you make your way through the most sinister part of town to collect your girl. So far so good… your train pulls into the subway station, alighting you realise you are not alone!

The station, and the streets above are infested with thugs and villains… time is short so you must negotiate these areas to meet your girl as arranged. Quick thinking and martial art skills are the only abilities you have to depend upon and you disembark knowing that this is going to be the most dangerous walk of your life!

There are five stages to negotiate, first the tube station, where you will meet a gang of muggers intent on terminating your journey right there. The next stage takes you through the pier area, known to be a popular meeting place for motorcycle gangs. The third area is the sleezy back streets of town; female gangs stalk the streets in search of any unwitting male who may try and infringe their territory. Next, is the street leading up to your meeting place; a vicious gang of razor-wielding thugs have been known to taunt any innocent passer by just for kicks.

Finally you enter your arranged meeting place, but beware – the last gang you have subdued had called reinforcements who will be lying in wait, together with their leader – armed with a gun! Prove that love can overcome all by conquering these villains in time for your date!

Publisher: Imagine
Year: 1987


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