Snoopy The Edge, 1990 Linus has lost his blanket! Whilst Linus' world seems about to end, you as Snoopy the world's favourite beagle set out to find the blanket... but its not that easy!
Snoopy The Edge, 1990 Linus has lost his blanket! Whilst Linus' world seems about to end, you as Snoopy the world's favourite beagle set out to find the blanket... but its not that easy!
Dun Darach Gargoyle Games, 1985 It happened that, following a fateful, bloody and largely pointless battle against the Conachta, Cuchulainn the Great was returning home to Muirmethne in company of his faithful charioteer, Loeg; pointless because the enemy was a scouting party and not intent on taking the peak of Beann Ghulban, below which the […]
Deus Ex Machina Automata, 1984 In the year 1987, the Department of Health and Social Security, Police and State Security records of the United Kingdom were coordinated within a central computerised data bank. The following year, all passport, commmunications and censorship operations were integrated, In 1994, the computer network became responsible for the total defence […]
Chickin Chase Firebird Software, 1985 You must defend the chicken house against enemies, and you must eat to keep up your strength to honor the requests of the Madame. Do not forget that a gallant visit can leave you powerless to fight the hedgehogs, rats, stoats, snakes, and other terrible beasts, but you can replenish […]
Ocean Conqueror OCTA Soft, 1986 (as Nautilus); Rack-It, 1987 As the commander of a submarine, it's your job to destroy four convoys, each consisting of a freighter and two destroyers.
Yie Ar Kung-Fu Yie Ar Kung-Fu is a text of skill development in the traditional Martial Arts. It features Oolong in his attempt to become a Grandmaster in the ancient skills in honour of his father, a kung-fu master before him. Your ultimate goal is to become a grand-master but to achieve this you must […]