

The solar system is under attack! Enemy Super-Dreadnoughts have been placed in orbit around each of the planets. They are draining mineral resources from the planetary cores for use in their power units. Each Super-Dreadnought seeks out a different metal for its metal convertor.

Your Manta class Space Fighter will be transported to each planet in turn and it is your task to destroy each Dreadnought. First you must attack the defensive screen of enemy fighters, then you must neutralise the majority of surface defences before you land on the Super-Dreadnought’s master runway. It is then possible to activate the Dreadnought’s self-destruct mechanism.

Your Manta fighter is deployed on a low-level strafing run as you start your assault on the aliens’ defences. You must avoid the meteor screens and communications aerials which tower above the Dreadnought’s surface.

The fighter defences deploy in waves. A bonus is awarded after landing if all ships in a wave are destroyed. Attack surface features to score bonus points but beware of the homing mines which materialise over flashing generator ports!

When the LAND NOW message appears, move as soon as possible to the right hand end of the Super-Dreadnought and fly flat over the end of the master runway from left to right.

Publisher: Hewson Consultants

Year: 1986


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