Witch's Cauldron

Witch's Cauldron

Mikro-Gen, 1985

Forsooth, thou art a bumpkin. Thou heedest not my warnings, and thus didst incur the wrath of the Wicked Witch Hazel. And verily didst she caste a spell, and now thou hast the like unto a TOAD. Shouldst thou desire to regain thy human form, thou must seek out spells and concoct potions of thine own to aid thee in thy task. Frog like as thou art, thou wilst not find thy task easy and perils will beset thee a-plenty. Thou mayest not regain thy true form without mishap and mayhem, and verily, Witch Hazel shalt hinder thee in her own way. Happenest thou will make thrice times ten changes, happenest not. Thou mayest become like unto a ghoul, ghost or other night-bumping devil, thou mayest not. Thou mayest receive aid in thy task, but heed, this aid costeth plenty.

On with thy search then, plucky toad. Fail and thou art doomed to die beneath the wheels of a carriage. Succeed and we'll go a-wassailing down at the Old Witch's Arms!



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