Dynamite Dan

Dynamite Dan

Mirrorsoft, 1985

Arriving in an airship, Dan must find 8 sticks of dynamite, blow a safe and steal plans for a secret weapon.


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February 26, 2022

Snoopy The Edge, 1990 Linus has lost his blanket! Whilst Linus' world seems about to end, you as Snoopy the world's favourite beagle set out to find the blanket... but its not that easy!

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May 1, 2020
Match Day II

Match Day II Match Day II is an all action arcade soccer simulation featuring variable strength volleys, lobs, backheels and ground shots, jumping headers, barging, diving keepers, variable tactics and the highly accurate diamond deflection system. You may compete against your friend or against a computer team; alternatively you and your friend may team up […]

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November 16, 2021

Starbike The Edge, 1984 Address to Starbike Warriors, Starbike Command; Stardate 242417.6 They are funny-looking creatures, the Orola, comical, bouncing yellow blobs of sentience. But they are the closest thing to human that Galactic Command has tracked down in all its searches. Now you guys know that the Mordra took a couple of decs away […]

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November 2, 2021
International Karate +

International Karate + System 3 Software, 1987 The tournament has 25 rounds with progressive difficulty. After the 25th round a belt is awarded. Each round consists of three 30 seconds bouts. At the end of a bout a judge appears and instructs the player(s) and announces the ranking(s). If a human player is in the […]

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September 11, 2021
Star Firebirds

Star Firebirds Insight Software, 1985 Travel to the outer reaches of the cosmos to do battle with the legendary Firebirds.

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January 2, 2020
Sacred Armour of Antiriad

Sacred Armour of Antiriad A passive and peacful society established on Earth by the Year: 2086 has its idyllic existance shattered by an invasion of an alien attack force. The populace are sent to work in the aliens’ mines. Some rebelled, but one stood out as the most hardy and courageous. Named Tal, he was […]

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