Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers

Mastertronic, 1985

The King of Ibsisima is, to say the least, a little upset.

Tomorrow is his daughter's birthday and he has no idea what to get her. As Magic Knight you have been ordered to find the Princess Germintrude a very special present. This may be your chance to prove that you are worthy of joining the famed "Polygon Table", the highest honour any Knight could wish for!

The King transports you to the Castle of Spriteland which is teeming with many weird and wonderful creatures. Also there are two mazes which contain many of the Queen's relatives! Apart from the grisly ghouls and energy sapping creatures there are ghostly traders who are often quite willing to exchange the treasures that you find in the Castle for money which they stole in their former lives. Some objects will react with each other to form either more or less valuable objects, to sell or collect.

You now have two choices:

  1. You may try and collect as many treasures as possible and escape from the Castle of Spriteland.
  2. Collect the treasure in order to please the King and the Princess Germintrude and join the Polygon Table.

Will the temptation of keeping the treasures be too much for you or are you loyal to the King and the Polygon Table of Ibisima?


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