Flying Shark

Flying Shark

Firebird Software, 1987

The fight is coming to an end and it doesn't look good for our side. High command have recalled you, the great combat ace, to fly a lone mission against overwhelming odds, to win this desperate battle and ultimately, save mankind.

We're all depending on you, so best of luck.


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April 13, 2020

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January 4, 2020

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May 30, 2021
Dun Darach

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March 18, 2021
Chequered Flag

Chequered Flag Chequered flag is a fast moving motor racing simulation in which you have to negotiate some of the worlds famous racing circuits. From behind the wheel of your thoroughbred formula 1 racing car, you have a dinamic view of the outside world flashing past and of continuously changing instuments on your dashboard display. […]

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