Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal
The Edge, 1988
I wonder what day it is? Hum...
What's that??
"Garfield... Arlene's been taken to the City Pound!!"
Hellooo Monday... it must be Monday. Nothing good happens to me on a Monday.
Well, I suppose... yawn... that it's time to get started. Where's Odie? Where is the world's most stupid dog? Perhaps he could go to the pound for me... no I suppose I'd better go myself...
This is going to be difficult... John's even locked the refrigerator. Can't even say Hello to the Lasagna... and I suppose I can't even get at his coffee whilst he's looking...
It should be easy for me to find the City Pound... although it will probably be a little easier for me to find some other places... say the Butcher...
Yup... I should be okay as long as Odie and Nermal (the World's cutest kitten) can help me... and as long as I don't get too many Snack Attacks!