Welcome to the Airborne Ground Attack Vehicle, the latest and most revolutionary of the new range of two-seater fighter craft designed and manufactured by Draziw Industries, Novenias leading armaments company for the past eight hundred years.
This manual is divided into chapters detailing most of the features of the AGAV. However, because of the unique flexibility of the craft’s design, notably the ability to upgrade and modify the weaponry, control systems, and fuel-feeders without needing to rebuild the craft from scratch, you may need to refer to a number of addendum manuals, detailing articular upgrades. These are available from Section 1.9.e of the Novenian Alliance State Archive at Erkalon, or direct from your airbase Flight Commander.
You are reminded that this document is classified at Level 4.2, and is therefore printed on anti-Holostat paper. Any attempt to duplicate this manual will result in auto-decomposure of the complete document, and the simultaneous release of Kryplex gas, which will paralyse the nervous system of all known carbon based life-forms in the western spiral arm of the galaxy.
Yrag Draziw,
Chief Designer, Project AGAV.
Stardate 3429.6.81.
Publisher: Rainbird Software
Year: 1986