New Generation Software, 1984
The object of the game is to empty all the bins from each road into the dustcart which is slowly moving up the road, before your bonus points reduce to zero. If you step on the grass the bonus score will reduce rapidly, but you can increase it by completing tasks you are asked to do by householders. (Leave the house by holding the down key). Your score is increased for each bin emptied. Some houses will have dogs in them, which will chase you if you step on the grass, and if they bite you, your injury will result in a limp, which will slow you down. The same effect will occur if you are knocked down by a bike.
If you choose to go into the cafe or pup to collect valuable bonus points, beware of overeating or drinking too much.
If your bonus score is reduced to zero you will be allowed two more attempts to improve. Should you mis-judge crossing the road and are hit by a car the game will end.