

A puzzle game based on mirrors reflecting a laser beam. More fun than it sounds.

Publisher: Vortex Software

Year: 1987


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May 28, 2021
Monty is Innocent

Monty is Innocent Gremlin Graphics, 1985 Poor Monty has been banished to five years of hell amongst the murderers, arsonists and criminal low world of Scudmore Prison for an act no more dastardly than borrowing a bucket of coal. A travesty of justice if ever there was one. But like all superheroes Monty has allies […]

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September 27, 2021
Turbo Out Run

Turbo Out Run US Gold, 1989 You are driving a Ferrari, this time a Ferrari F40. Traverse a set route across the entire continental United States from New York City to Los Angeles. In addition to a time limit, Turbo OutRun also adds a computer-controlled opponent driving a Porsche 959. Various power-ups which increase the […]

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June 5, 2021
Dragon's Lair

Dragon's Lair Software Projects, 1986 Long ago, in a magical time, a good King named Aethelred ruled a peaceful kingdom. Now his kingdom had many treasures, but its greatest prize was Princess Daphne, the King's only child. Brave Knights and handsome Princes came from afar just to pay her court, for she was a maiden […]

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May 31, 2021

Automania Mikro-Gen, 1984 Welcome to the world of Wally Week. O.K. Wally try and get it right this time! All you have to do is get these car parts from the store, take them to the assembly area and put 'em together. Simple, INNIT? If you had bought decent shelving units things wouldn't keep falling […]

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January 5, 2022
World Series Basketball

World Series Basketball Imagine Software, 1985 Congratulations! You're in the middle of the World Series Basketball competition. Everyone's out to beat you, especially the skillful computer team. So if you want to win the series then you'd better read this official program. With the right combination of passing, shooting and strategy you may even become […]

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February 17, 2022
St. Dragon

St. Dragon Storm Software, 1990 On a far distant planet you must prepare to fight the final battle! An evil force of monster machines has risen to conquer the Galaxy. One by one the peaceful races of the Galaxy have been attacked and enslaved by the Cyborg Monsters. None has the strenght to stand against […]

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