Silverbird Software, 1987
At last it has come. Halloween has arrived. Tonight Olli & Lisa want to go down to the village, to the merry procession in their terrific disguise. That will be great Fun! But what should one do the whole afternoon! Lisa is rummaging around in the library of Shilmoore Casde. Sir Humphrey and Olli are counting the skeletons in the dungeons. Then Arabella, our little fairy, remembers that she has invited her girlfriend for tea. Quickly she bakes a pink cake, searching in the huge magic book for the suitable spell so that the cake will turn out big and spongy. But while baking, a little flour fell onto the old yellowed pages. Arabella could hardly read the spell. The cake began to rise and rise until it finally burst with a loud thundering noise... For a long time thick clouds of flour hung in the air... When all had disappeared the four friends ran excitedly together. Now they saw the mess! Nothing stood where it used to be! Where was the key for the portal? The book with the secret exits of Shilmoore Castle? Arabella's magic broom and a lot more? Would Olli and Lisa come out of the castle and down to the village in time?