Theatre Europe
During the Second World War Britain, America and Russia were allies, however after the defeat of Germany, the alliance was soon in disarray. The western members of the alliance became worried when Russia maintained its armed forces at their wartime level, seeing the might of Russia as a possible threat to the now DISARMED rest of Europe. They also disagreed with Russia imposing communist governments on the countries it had liberated from the Germans. Finally in 1949 they formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (N.A.T.O.) to deter any further Russian expansion. To Russia it appeared that it had fought and suffered a devastating war, only to see its former allies band themselves together into a hostile alliance. In 1955 (the Year: Germany joined N.A.T.O.) Russia formed an alliance with the communist countries of Europe. This alliance is known as the Warsaw Pact.
If the war does start, current opinion seems to accept that after 30 days it will grind to a halt. Both sides will then have used up their stockpiles of conventional munitions. New production will not start to reach the front-line until some time after this. If this occurs the West’s superior production capabilities would probably ensure a N.A.T.O. victory, provided strategic nuclear weapons have not been used (if they have there will be no production). The Warsaw Pact forces are committed to fight an offensive war, however it starts. They do not wish to have the battle fought on their soil (they remember WWII).
Publisher: PSS
Year: 1986